Re: About useful links on PM S/4 HANA
Please have a look at the roadmaps at Service Market place S/4 HANA on Premise HANA Cloud...
View ArticleRe: Issue when implementing notes - report "PRGN_COMPRESS_TIMES"
That note is 4 years old and the related notes will go as far back as 10 years because of your system release / SP level being ancient. You will be better off with a release upgrade... You must...
View ArticleHow to capture and post Part-I document for Excise for Goods Receipts...
Hello Experts, There is a requirement with our Indian client to capture and post the Part-I excise document for the goods receipts that are happening through EWM. In the as-is scenario, the values are...
View ArticleRe: why do a company use Calculation Types
Hello Sandeep, As I assume you have an understanding of what is Pro Rata and what is Based on Another Key Figure. For why and when would you use these Pro Rata is used in cases where you have prior...
View ArticleCheck if field is case sensitive
Hi community, is there a BAPI or something else for check if a field is case sensitive? I have a custom BAPI which imports case sensitive and compares some fields against SAP fields. Before i compare,...
View ArticlePutaway control indicator (PACI)
Hello everybody, I am a beginner in EWM. Could you please help me to clarify the following question? When I set the PACI in products, it means that products are putaway in an appropriate Storage type...
View ArticleRe: Complex Table Filter and remove dublicates
Adem, In Agentry the the primary key should be unique. you have to make sure while setting the property value in Java for Key property is unique. for that you can concatenate any number of column. May...
View ArticleAvoiding TDS calculation in MRRL t-code. How?
Hello FI experts, I have a requirement but do not know how to go about it. In MRRL transaction whatever GRs we put as input, TDS gets deducted and settlement happens, but we want to put a filter here...
View ArticleFI document type for billing document cancellation
Dear colleagues, How can I influence in change of accounting document type for billing cancellation? Requirement is when I post SD billing document type F2, accounting document type is RV. But when I...
View ArticleRe: regulatory list in sap ehs
Hello Ralph , Where do I see the CAS #s listed for each regulatory list .
View ArticleRe: Profit Center not derived in Asset posting
Hi Farhan If you have PC assigned in the Asset Master itself, then in ACSET, you must choose "Profit Center" also along with Cost Center, in my opinion (IMG Path mentioned in above reply) Also ensure...
View ArticleRe: Contabilidad electrónica, en octubre
Hola Jose Angel, Pudieron solucionar de alguna manera la integración de los UUID contra las póliza de Nómina, he intentado con la BAdI que proporcionó SAP pero el programa FIGLMX_JE no manda a llamar a...
View ArticleRe: Scope and Effort Analysis failing - Similarity Data is too old
Hello Sylke, Thank you for your answer. My data appears to be really recent. Also I launched the updated infrastructure check program and got these results concenrning the similarity data: I'm opening...
View ArticleExport HANA DB schema into a single SQL file
Hello gurus, I've been trying to find a way to export a DB schema created on SAP HANA SPS9 into a single SQL script file, but without success. This would help me generate a DB Relationship Diagram in...
View ArticleRe: Web Intelligence 4.0 - Edit Merged Dimensions wihtout using Unmerge
I'm on 4.1 SP5 using BICS and I can add dimensions to an existing merge, see below. The steps are: 1) first select the new dimension in need or merging2) hold CTRL key (control key on keyboard)3)...
View ArticleRe: Does the RepoScan Remove Files Automatically?
If the scan returns any empty directories, repair will delete the empty directories in FRS. As I mentioned above, only repair option will delete the empty directories and any inconsitiencies between...
View ArticleRe: Automatic Postings to CO Object
Sales Office will never come into equation during MIGO or MIRO Valuation Class does not make sense because Cost Element is already there. You can have other combinations in the Z Table and derive CC...
View ArticleRe: stock quantity wrongly converted
Call transaction CUNI --> Check no.of decimal places defined for the unit "Bale" under conversion
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