Hello Srikanth,
Actually Selection ID data is saved under SELKO & SELPO table. Not advisable to modify/add any other selection table.
If you change anything in the selection id, data will be saved under mentioned tables.
Using new Z program, you can add/modify the existing selection ID's. (Its kind of selection realignment)
Scenario1 - You want to change the location from LOC1 to LOC2 in existing selection (Selection1) so correspond to 9ALOCNO, change the field entry.
Scanario2 - If you want to remove any selection field in existing selection ID, (Selection2), you can remove it by using 3 rd column setting.
Scanario3- You may also need to add extra field selection in existing selection. Please write a program in such a way that, it should help to add new row and any info-object (as per planning area).
You may also develop this functionality to support mass upload by using excel or txt file.